Student Organization
Mission Membership Benefits
Contact: McKenna Adams
Mission The Student American Veterinary Medical Association (SAVMA) exists to support, empower, and inspire all veterinary students in improving their lives, education, and career, along with securing a better future for our profession through collaboration with our parent organization, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). SAVMA's objective is to introduce veterinary students to the concept of organized veterinary medicine; to promote, enhance and support professionalism and veterinary medical education; to advocate for and promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and wellbeing in veterinary medical education and extracurricular programs; and to encourage the development and empowerment of students as leaders in the profession of veterinary medicine and the community as a whole.
Membership BenefitsNational Benefits:Free access to all issues of the Journal of the AVMA (JAVMA) and to The Vet GazetteFree advance registration to the AVMA Annual Convention held in July/August while in schoolInvitation to the annual SAVMA Symposium hosted by a local student chapter. Access to "My Veterinary Life" - a dedicated microsite for students and recent graduatesAccess to the AVMA Veterinary Career CenterStudent externship locator Student financial resources Full access to member-only areas of the AVMA/SAVMA website including veterinary reference guides, AVMA member edge (lots of discounts for hotels, parks, rental cars, movie tickets, etc.), and AVMA Axon Ability to apply for numerous monetary awardsFree Student AVMA PLIT insurance (will need for clinics)Free AVMA LIFE Trust insurance Local Benefits:Free suture kit (required by the Cutaneous course first semester) when you join both SAVMA and the Michigan Veterinary Medical Association (MVMA)$100 off NAVLE prep courseFree lunch and dinner meetings with unique lecturesFree yoga and other mental wellness activitiesTravel grants for attending conferences A great way to network with other students around the country by attending SAVMA symposium, participate in community service, leadership, and professional development = Resume builderPost-grad benefits:AUTOMATIC CONVERSION TO AVMA MEMBERSHIP FOLLOWING GRADUATION (a $500 value) Half off AVMA dues the following two years afterEligibility for AVMA health, life, and liability insuranceFree registration to AVMA Convention the year after you graduate
Lifetime membership